Youth Mental Health First Aid Training

14 young people were trained to be Youth Mental Health First Aiders (YMHFA) which equips young adults with the skills to be able to support friends, peers and strangers alike with any mental health and emotional wellbeing issues. The training was the training was delivered on two separate off-timetable days and was a pilot for a scheme in schools which would aim to provide emotional wellbeing and guidance support to anyone who requires it within the student body.

The initiative has been seen as a way to ensure good mental health and wellbeing and this was the first school to facilitate the training Youth Mental Health First Aiders for its students. The scheme has been very beneficial and some of these benefits are outlined below:

  • Ensure students know how to effectively administer Mental Health First Aid from mild problems to crisis point
  • Be able to have a system to support the mental and emotional wellbeing of students in the educational institution to support the social environment
  • Become more aware of the issues that affect CYP and how this best can be supported
  • Gain confidence in talking about and dealing with mental health problems
  • Reduce the stigma of mental health issues within the educational setting
  • Support a county wide initiative that is intending to use youth voice to create social action

Feedback on the training was extremely positive and the children and young people who were involved in the project said the following. :

“All I can say is it was one of the most useful experiences I have undergone and would totally recommend teaching to young people as it allows them to understand struggles that some kids suffer with.”
“This course was an incredible experience which opened my eyes on mental health. During the two days, I was able to find out what mental health is really about, who it affects, how it affects people, and most importantly how personally I am able to support those struggling.”
"Me and others like me now feel more equipped to deal with anyone experiencing mental health problems such as different techniques that can be used as a first response and then be able to signpost following this.”
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"It was a great experience that has enabled me to help those who are struggling with their mental health in the best way I can.”
“The fact that the pilot scheme is now being used as the starting point for Future in Mind to carry out this scheme on a wider level makes me extremely happy that more people will be able to access MHFA if they need to and I hope that we have given a strong basis to build from.”