Transforming Ophthalmology Services in North and North East Lincolnshire

A Clearer View - Transforming Ophthalmology Services in North and North East Lincolnshire public engagement was carried out by the CCG during November and December 2017 across North and North East Lincolnshire.

The engagement findings report can now be viewed here:  A Clearer View Engagement Report

Since the engagement took place the CCG’s have continued to work with the current provider of the service – Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG) to improve quality and efficiency in order to meet the needs of the local patients.

An Ophthalmology Transformation board consisting of clinicians, commissioners, nursing and administrative staff and patient representation was set up by NLaG.  The board developed an action plan taking into account findings from the Clearer View engagement report and research carried out by local Healthwatch with patients.  

We have since spoken to patients at CCG public meetings in 2018 and provided updates on progress in the Accord newsletter.

This update aims to show how the views, experiences and priorities that our patients and the public shared with us are being taken forward by the CCG in 2019; as we join with our neighbouring CCG in North Lincolnshire to procure a Community Ophthalmology service and continue to push for improvement at the hospital trust.

We are currently finalising a service specification for Ophthalmology services and have included the feedback from patients as part of this, as shown in this You Said – We Did table