Accord Annual Meeting 2017 Feedback

Feedback and update for members and stakeholders

On September 14th, Accord members and stakeholders joined us at Centre 4 in Grimsby for the Accord Annual meeting or the alternate twilight meeting the following week. 

These meetings provided people with an opportunity to hear from health and social care leaders about the CCG's latest developments. Attendees were able to ask questions and share their views with us.

Key topics discussed were:

  • Accord communications
  • CCG update and progress on our Commissioning Intentions
  • Making the Best of the Better Care Fund (BCF)
  • ENT and Urology services – hospital services transformation

At the daytime session we asked participants to share their views using hand held voting devices.  The event finished with a Question and Answer Panel with local health and social care leaders.

Here is a summary of the key themes with links to the PowerPoint presentations and outcomes from the discussion group sessions and a progress update from each of the facilitators at the event.