Your Wellbeing

What is “Wellbeing”?

We use the word “wellbeing” a lot when we talk about the work we do to help people recover from times of ill health, make healthier choices and enjoy their independence for as long as they can.

It means a lot more than enjoying good mental or physical health, however. There are lots of other things to think about when deciding how we can best support someone to enjoy improved wellbeing.

Wellbeing is about:

• being treated with respect
• feeling safe from abuse and neglect
• having control over your daily life – including any care or support you need and how it is provided
• being able to join in work, education, training or recreation
• living in accommodation that is right for your circumstances
• having relationships with family, friends or neighbours
• being able to contribute to your community.

Everyone’s needs are different and personal to them. Some of the things listed above will be more important than others to different people, who will know best their own goals and what it will take for them to live a satisfying life. People working in health and care should work to understand a person’s needs and goals, and not make assumptions about what is best for them.

Sometimes people need extra support to improve their wellbeing. Health and care services are there to help people achieve the outcomes that matter to them in their life.  In North East Lincolnshire we want health, care and wider public services to work together to maximise the wellbeing of our population.

Wellbeing is important to all of us living in North East Lincolnshire, not just those who need extra support to live independently. Health and care services have a responsibility to actively promote wellbeing and independence. We want to avoid people reaching a crisis point or suffering ill-health, or waiting for an existing life situation to get worse, before we support the person to do something about it.

Part of promoting wellbeing is ensuring that the people of North East Lincolnshire have good information and advice about how to stay well, and how to connect to the things that matter to them.  Explore the links in the ‘Looking After Yourself’ section to find out more.