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2021- the year ahead for your local NHS

Join us at our free virtual event to hear about your local NHS in 2021 and plans for the future- the event will take place on 14th January, 5pm-6.15pm

NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLaG) will be hosting the latest virtual event in their series of online meetings where local people have the opportunity to get involved and hear about what is happening locally with health and care services.

It’s no secret that the Coronavirus pandemic has meant that the NHS has had to face some of the biggest challenges ever faced since it was founded in 1948. With the recent announcement of another national lockdown, many people will be wondering what this means for North East Lincolnshire and how services are working together to overcome these challenges and plan for the future.

Local hospital leaders including, Dr Peter Reading, Chief Executive of Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust will be sharing information about how the Trust are supporting patients throughout the pandemic, the impact of this on their staff, their continuous improvement plans and their plans for 2021.

Dr Peter Reading said: “The pandemic has meant that the local NHS, including our hospital in Grimsby, has faced a number of difficult challenges in the past ten months. We are looking forward to holding our virtual event to update local people on how we are responding to the pandemic and our plans for the year ahead.”

The virtual event will include several updates from local health and social care leaders. Dr Peter Melton, CCG Clinical Chief Officer will be attending to provide an update on primary care and how they are working with the Trust to support patients with Coronavirus and ‘Long Covid’ and the rolling out of the local vaccination programme. Helen Kenyon, Chief Operating Officer at North East Lincolnshire CCG, will share the latest plans for transforming A&E services across the Humber region. The latest information about the Humber Acute Services Review will also be shared and what this means for people in North East Lincolnshire.

As usual, there will be opportunity for everyone to get involved. We will be using ‘ask the audience’ polls to get your views and will invite participants to submit questions before and during the event.

“We know that with the announcement of another national lockdown, many people will be wondering what this means for our local NHS in 2021,” said Mark Webb, Chair of North East Lincolnshire CCG. “Our previous virtual events have been hugely successful and well received by our local community, so we are delighted to be holding another one this month with our colleagues from the hospital Trust. We encourage as many people as possible to join us for what will be a very informative session.”

If you would like to attend or submit a question before the event, please email or call the engagement team on 0300 3000 567. The session will be held on Zoom and a full set of joining instructions will be sent through to you when you have booked your place.

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