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Hands-on Health and Social Care - North East Lincolnshire Style

Hands-on Health & Social Care - North East Lincolnshire Style!

Here in North East Lincolnshire, our local community is involved in health and social care every step of the way, from planning and designing new services, helping people improve their own wellbeing and supporting their neighbours to access the help they need.

You can find out what our everyday health and social care heroes have been up to in the past 12 months by joining us at the Accord Annual Meeting on Thursday 10 September which this year has been organised by Accord members.
Accord is North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) flourishing membership that lets people have a real say in how NHS and adult social care money is spent.

People can get involved in Accord as much or as little as they like and the informal, enjoyable annual meeting is a great introduction to what membership can offer you and how you can help shape health and adult care services now and in the future.

“I’d encourage everyone with an interest in health and social care to come along,” explains Trevor Brooks, an Accord Ambassador. “Accord members have already helped the local NHS make improvements to services right here in North East Lincolnshire that have really changed people’s lives.

“Every time a decision is made about health or social care services, the CCG takes the opinions of Accord members into account. We all know North East Lincolnshire is a unique place to live, and we are the first place in the country to have this level of community involvement in really big decisions.”
People attending the meeting will also be able to have their say on a wide variety of issues including how we apply national standards around unplanned health care for children in North East Lincs and how Accord members can contribute to developing local health and social care priorities. There will also be a chance to hear the latest update from Healthy Lives, Healthy Futures and the way we are involving people in transforming local health and care services to ensure these are affordable, safe and high quality for generations to come.

The Accord AGM takes place at the Humber Royal Hotel with coffee at 9.30am and the meeting itself at 10am.
The Accord meeting is followed by the CCG’s AGM which starts at 1pm at the same venue.

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