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Local COVID-19 vaccination sites confirmed in North East Lincolnshire

The local NHS has confirmed four local COVID-19 vaccination centres in North East Lincolnshire. Vaccinations will be delivered from these locations (all at primary care centres) by groups of family doctors, starting this week.

Because of the storage and transportation requirements of the vaccination, the vaccine must be administered from these designated locations. Patients over the age of 80 with the greatest clinical risk are being offered appointments first.

Following the launch of the COVID-19 vaccination programme on Tuesday, 7 December, the NHS is the first healthcare system in the world to offer the COVID-19 vaccine to those most at risk. The scale and the complexity of this vaccination programme make it one of the most significant challenges the NHS has ever faced.

A number of GP-led primary care networks will begin offering COVID-19 vaccine to the priority groups from this week, with more practices in other parts of the region joining in on a phased basis during December and in the coming months.

Vaccination centres treating large numbers of patients in community venues will subsequently stand up when further vaccine supplies become available.

The public has an important part to play in the success of the vaccination roll-out. The ask for now is that people don’t contact their GP to seek a vaccine. Eligible people will be contacted and asked to book an appointment when the vaccine is available to them.

Dr Ekta Elston, Medical Director of NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group, said: “This is a hugely exciting moment and we are incredibly grateful for general practice being part of this important programme.

“The vaccine has been shown to be effective and it is fantastic news that in our local area we can start to vaccinate our more vulnerable residents, who need it most. If you are in one of the priority groups, I would urge that when your GP Practice contacts you, please make sure you book and attend your appointments when you arrange them.”

Stephen Pintus, Director of Health and Wellbeing in North East Lincolnshire, welcomed the roll out of the vaccination programme but urged local people to keep up their guard against COVID-19.

“We strongly urge everyone to continue to play their part in reducing the spread of the virus and follow the local restrictions to protect the NHS services while the NHS carries out this vital work,” said Mr Pintus.




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