What patients are telling us about primary care

GP practices in North East Lincolnshire are fully open and staff are working very hard as they have been right through the pandemic. Practices are caring for a lot of people, with more appointments with doctors, nurses and other health professionals than before the pandemic started.

More than half of primary care appointments in NEL are in person. However, where it’s appropriate for the patient and their condition, appointments also take place online or over the phone.

We are sharing some feedback from patients who have found the new way of speaking to a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional works for them. Working like this:

While everyone who needs a face-to-face appointment with a GP will be offered one, we recognise this is a change and some patients find different ways of working more difficult to get used to. The CCG’s PALS team is available to talk to people about any particular difficulties they may have experienced. You can ring them on 0300 3000 500 or send an email to NELCCG.askus@nhs.net.

What patients are saying about GP appointments in North East Lincolnshire

'Went to Dr this morning at 11am, referred to hospital under 2 week system, phone call from hospital at 3pm with an appointment for 18 October so I definitely can't fault either the Drs or the NHS.' Angie, Grimsby

“I've had two occasions to contact my practice and both have been positive.  Firstly, after speaking with a receptionist about a new problem I received a call from a GP within 30 minutes and the following day collected a prescription.  Secondly was use of the prescription line, which I have to call for reissue of a steroid product, again it was speedy, efficient and easy,” Diane, Grimsby

“This is for anyone thinking that they might be waiting a long time for appointments, tests or other procedures with the NHS. due to the ongoing COVID 19 situation. I went to see my Dr with reoccurring Sciatica about ten days ago, it was very painful.  Within a week I had an MRI which showed bulging discs in my spine dues to Spondylosis. I elected to have steroid injections in the spine instead of Surgery and received a call yesterday to have my first procedure on Tuesday morning! So don't sit there in pain or discomfort go and see your Dr you may be surprised at the speed of your treatment!! I'm not saying it will be everyone that receives treatment so speedily, but it’s worth a try? “ Alison, Yarborough, Grimsby.

“We’ve always had good treatment from our practice. My husband is undergoing long-term cancer treatment and I have a number of chronic conditions.  We’ve both had face to face as well as telephone consultations.  We also both receive regular calls from nurses to check on our health and how we are doing,” Gill, Grimsby.

“I’m really satisfied with the treatment I’ve received. I find the new form of contact with my practice to be easier and less time-consuming than trying to get face-to-face appointments,” Alison, Scartho.

“My wife and I have both experienced good attention over the last few months. I had been having some chest pains for a few days so sent an Askmygp a request one morning. By 10.30 I received a call from a Dr who asked me to attend at the surgery. He then arranged a PCG, blood pressure and a few other tests. I was then seen by a Junior doctor spending time at the Practice who gave me a very thorough going over. My GP then joined us and asked the young lady junior doctor for her comments. I think he then arranged for another couple of tests. Very thorough and speedy attention.

“2 weeks ago my wife’s knee became very swollen and painful. We put in an Askmygp request just after 8 am. on Monday and a GP rang about 10.30, asking her to attend the practice at 11.55. He examined her and arranged a scan. About 3 hours later she had a phone call from the clinic in Grimsby offering her an appointment 3 days later. The GP spoke to her earlier this week to discuss the situation with her. Excellent service,” Les, Immingham.

“I’ve had face to face appointments with a GP and nurses through the pandemic. The new system is just a triage that looks at whether you really need to be seen and assessing your symptoms. This is fab really as so many people would visit the practice on daily basis for a headache or pain which could be controlled by over the counter medicines,” Patient, Grimsby.